
“Is it beneficial, if we are all as equal as possible …?” – How SWOPS renews recruiting processes in Austria

First results were now also contributed by the Austrian partners of the BPW Club Berlin, project coordinator of the EU-funded project SWOPS which is currently underway with a consulting tool for structural change oriented personnel strategy. This is even more exciting since the Austrians have entered SWOPS at a later stage than our partner organizations from Germany, France and Sweden.

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SWOPS report at AVIVA-Berlin.de

Mehr Chancenfairness in Europa – SWOPS als Erfolgsstrategie für den nachhaltigen Wandel von Unternehmenskulturen. Vorstellung der Projektergebnisse am 18. Mai 2016. Die Key note hält Dilek Kolat, Senatorin für Arbeit, Integration und Frauen in Berlin

Ein Projekt des BPW Club Berlin e.V. Tradierte Rollenbilder, Geschlechterstereotype oder unzureichende Qualifikationen der Bewerberinnen? Woran liegt es, wenn Führungskräfte oder Personalverantwortliche ihren Mitarbeiterinnen nicht die gleichen Chancen ermöglichen wie deren männlichen Kollegen? […]

Read on at aviva-berlin.de (German)


Occupational Health Management as part of the corporate strategy pays off – qualified staff stays

At the turn of the year, first analysis results of the EU-funded restructuring project SWOPS have emerged. Especially in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from the service sector with a high, mostly sector-specific proportion of women: employers who aim to keep pace with international competition and thereby on health management set as a strategy to tie their skilled and dedicated employees, are especially valued by their female employees.

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“We are doing already pretty much for women in our company ” – SWOPS shows that reality also in France is sometimes another.

The acquisition of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) through SWOPS showed that French employers rely on the government-mandated action plans for more equality in the workplace, but occasionally leave the implementation overlooked.

Our project partners from France have conducted interviews with seven selected local SMEs and carried out wide-ranging research in their area. The original objective of being able to also perform consulting services for the optimization of the company’s human resources management in the French SME, proved to be only partially applicable. The reason: Since 2012 France has a law on equal opportunities in employment between women and men. This law requires companies with more than 50 employees to sign collective wage agreements, or – where this is not possible – to develop so-called “action plans”. From a catalog of eight possible areas of action, the companies have to adopt three emphases: recruitment, education, training, promotion of the careers, re-entry, optimization of working conditions, equal pay and work-life balance.

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Politics and economics go hand in hand for women’s benefit: SWOPS under the patronage of Dilek Kolat

Dilek Kolat, Senator for Labour, Integration and Women’s Issues in the State of Berlin, Germany (SenAIF) becomes patroness of the SWOPS demography project, thereby supporting the sustainable transformation of corporate cultures in Europe.

Equal opportunities are proven to provide a crucial factor for innovation and economic success for businesses in Europe. Therefore, the regional association of  Business and Professional Women (BPW) Germany, BPW Club Berlin, has initiated SWOPS. The aim of the project is to develop a structural change oriented personnel strategy that works across countries and provides companies with innovative tools with which they will be able to master the challenges of demographic change.

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With “SWOPS” against gender inequality in the job (German)

Many women fail with their careers to unconscious prejudices in the head of HR managers and other decision makers. This will now be changed by the Berlin Chapter of the business women network BPW together with SMEs. The project is called “Structural change-oriented personnel strategy,” short SWOPS, – first results are already there.


Read on at bizzmiss.de (German)