Kicki Stridh

Brohuset R&D, Sweden

My background in journalistic (university exam and professional carrier) and a basic academic degree (BA: sociology and communication) has been the basis for two decades of active engagement in R&D development projects. Brohuset R&D (Swedish name Brohuset FoU) is my private owned company, started up in autumn 2009. Before this I started and owned Internationell kompetens AB, which I budded off 1995 from Centre for Working Life Development, an R&D department at Högskolan i Halmstad (Halmstad University College).

I take part in several professional networks, such as Svenska utvärderingsföreningen (The Swedish Evaluation Society), FALF – Forum för Arbetslivsforskning (Forum for Working Life Research in Sweden), SIRA – Swedish Interactive Research Association and WiTEC – Women in Technology, a European network). I am a board member of Glokala Folkhögskolan (Glocal Folk High School) in Malmö.

I work mainly in national/regional R&D programmes jointly with universities. I have gained expertise skills in project management, and have worked in several European programmes such as European Social Funds, Leonardo da Vinci, Interreg. I have also worked in national programmes financed by for example (Tillväxtverket) and (Vinnova). Core contents in my tasks have been such as regional development, SME development, innovation, adult learning, gender mainstreaming, equal opportunities, integration of immigrants and on-going evaluation (for example now for ESF national office in a consortium of expert process supporters). For a more detailed CV, including publications and references see my website.

I look forward to contribute to SWOPS, where I hope to make fruitful contacts and development of new joint learning.
